Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board


Meeting of the Board of Directors

1401 Rockland Avenue

May 11th, 2016


Present:  Janet Simpson (JS), Norman Clark (NC), Bob June (BJ), Dave Clark (DC), John Edwards (JE), Marc Hunter (MH), Dave McWalter (DM), Lawrence Bortoluzzi (LB), Sue Simpson (SS)


Absent:  Stephen Roughley, Vanessa Dingley


Guests:  Pamela Madoff, Michael Neate , Chris Grieve


Meeting called to order at 19:03


·       Agenda


o   Motion to approve(JE/DM)

§  Amended to include in camera item under New Business

§  Approved as amended


·       Minutes of April 13, 2016


o   Motion to approve(BJ/DC)

§  Approved as corrected


·       Councillor’s Report (PM)


o   Topics are included in the May Update of Rockland-What’s Happening in your Neighbourhood and include:

§  Biketoria Cycling Path

§  Community and land Use Committee Process Meetings

§  Strategic Grant Program

§  Great Neighbourhood Grants

§  The A City for Youth, Designated by Youth Program

o   Demolition and Tree Removal Permits

§  Gary Pemberton will update in June

o   Derelict Boats in the Gorge Waterway

§  A meeting was held to address this

o   David Foster Pathway

§  Pedestrian only

§  Too costly to add space required to accommodate bikes

o   Sewage

§  Province has stepped in and will shepherd the process to determine which option will be pursued

·       Business Arising


o   Stanley Avenue Proposal

§  There was considerable discussion amongst board members regarding the motion passed at the April 13, 2016 meeting

§  The motion stands as passed on April 13, 2016

§  After the board’s discussion, Chris Grieve joined the discussion and provided an update

·       His intention is to present their proposal to the city at the June 9th meeting

·       400+ people have signed the online petition

o   Environment Committee

§  Terms of reference are final

§  DC completing an application for the signage program previously discussed

o   Land Use

§  A written report was provided

§  Further to the report

·       750 Pemberton

o   A meeting on May 9 with Melanie Smith did not take place

o   Communication

§  SR provided a written report which contained the following motion (SR/MH)

·       “Consider redevelopment of design and content of existing website and Facebook page for RNA”

·       SR, JS and Ian Mayhill have met to discuss the website and how to refresh it

·       JS will meet with Eileen Nurmi to discuss the future of the Facebook page

·       A revised motion “Consider redevelopment of design and content of existing website page for RNA” was seconded by DC and passed

o   Social

§  MH provided an estimate of costs for an open air film screening done by Victoria Film Festival

§  $3000 is a full service price for the film showing; an additional $1000 includes games before the show

§  Motion: Proceed with the open air movie night at a cost of $3000 (MH/LB)

·       Passed

o   Welcoming

§  A written report was provided

o   Police Liaison

§  MH provided an update in the latest Rockland newsletter


o   Meeting moved to an in camera session


·       Meeting was adjourned at 21:13 (DC/DMc)


·       Next Board Meeting-June 8, 2016 @ 1401A Rockland