Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board

Rockland Neighbourhood Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

1401A Rockland Avenue

September 14, 2016


Present:  Janet Simpson (JS), Bob June (BJ), Dave Clark (DC), John Edwards (JE),  Dave McWalter (DM),  Sue Simpson (SS), Stephen Roughley (SR), Aimée Botje (AB)


Absent:  Pamela Madoff (PM), Vanessa Dingley (VD), Marc Hunter (MH), Lawrence Bortoluzzi (LB), Gary Pemberton (GP)


Guests:  Ken Milbrath, Art Hamilton


Meeting called to order at 19:01


·       Agenda


o   Motion to approve(SR/BJ)

§  Amended to remove in camera item under New Business and correct spelling of Ken Milbrath’s name

§  Approved as amended unanimously


·       Pemberton Trail


o   Ken Milbrath provided an update on the Pemberton Trail

§  The Oak Bay section is complete and is called the Centennial Trail

§  There are gaps in the Victoria portion of the trail

o   JS suggested two ways to be involved

§  Discuss dedicating a portion of 1201 Fort for the trail with Abstract Development during the community meetings

§  Bring up during Local Area Planning

o   The Pemberton Trail is a long term strategy and will likely not be completed for decades

o   Development of the Rockland Greenway is an immediate need


·       Minutes of June 8, 2016


o   Motion to approve(BJ/AB)

§  Approved unanimously


·       Councillor’s Report


o   No report


·       Business Arising


o   Equity Funding Application

§  Moved that the equity funding application be approved as written (BJ/AB)

§  Approved unanimously

o   Update on Website Renewal

§  After reviewing many local association websites, Aimée and Ian prefer the Fernwood and Fairfield websites

§  Two issues have been identified for the RNA website-

·       Content and format need to be refreshed

·       On-going management

§  Early information indicates that a revamp of the format and content will cost approximately $2500-$3500

§  Moved that up to $4000 be spent in 2016 for website design and implementation (DC/AB)

·       Approved unanimously

§  SR, DC and Ian will develop specifications for the RFP to be submitted for cost quotes

o   Recap of Movie Night

§  Postponed to the next meeting

o   Committee Reports

§  Reports for the Welcoming and Land Use Committees are attached as is the Treasurer’s report

·       Update to Land Use report-1201 Fort

o   The city is encouraging RNA to have a community meeting in advance of having received any plans and a meeting with the LUC; a further complication is that the legal title issue has not yet been resolved

§  This is not the current practice; JS followed up the Jonathan Tinney and had not received a response

§  BJ will follow-up with Jonathan Tinney’s office


·       New Business


o   Celebration for Canada’s 150th

§  Suggested that our sesquicentennial event be the signage project

§  JS will contact GP to determine if there are funds available for local celebrations

o   Strategy Meeting

§  Will replace the regular November board meeting (November 9/1401A Rockland)

o   VCAN

§  JS asking for interest to sit as VCAN representative

·       DMc has expressed interest

o   New Societies’ Act

§  JS will ask VD and Ian to review the RNA by-laws from the perspective of the New Societies’ Act

§  DC and SR may have helpful input


·       Miscellaneous

o   1540 Despard

§  RNA has not received a proposal from Our Place

§  JS has sent a follow-up and not yet received a response

o   Next Meeting

§  Andrea Hudson will be discussing lessons learned from LAP work in the Burnside and Fairfield communities


·       Meeting was adjourned at 20:45 (DC/DMc)


·       Next Board Meeting-October 12, 2016 @ 1401A Rockland





Attachment:  Committee Reports