Rockland Neighbourhood Association:  Minutes of the Board

Rockland Neighbourhood Association

Meeting of the Board of Directors

1401A Rockland Avenue

December 9, 2015,


Present:  Janet Simpson (JS), Bob June (BJ), Dave Clark (DC), Sue Simpson (SS), Norman Clark (NC), John Edwards (JE),   Vanessa Dingley (VD), Ian Mayhill (IM), Norman Clark (NC)


Absent: Marc Hunter, Dave McWalter, Stephen Roughley, Pamela Madoff


Guests:  Lawrence Bortoluzzi, Dianne Pheaton Gibson


Meeting called to order at 19:00


·       Agenda

o   Motion to approve (IM/BJ)

§  Carried


·       Minutes of November 18, 2015

o   Motion to approve as amended (VD/IM)

§  Carried


·       Councillor’s Report

o   No report


·       Business arising

o   Follow-up on Thomas Soulliere’s presentation

§  JS will send a request for a status on follow-up items to all Parks employees who attended the meeting


·       New Business

o   AGM

§  All bios, committee reports and financial statements due to SS by January 15, 2016

§  Speaker

·       In a week, JS will contact VicPD to confirm the Chief Elsner will speak at AGM

·       If not Chief Elsner, another representative from PD will be requested

o   Board members will compile questions for speaker

§  Notice including date/time/location, who has been nominated and the names of the nominating committee needs to be sent to all paid members 14 days prior to AGM

·       DC will send IM an example of notice which has been sent out in previous years

§  Review DC’s to do list to be sure everyone understands his/her responsibilities

o   Crime Stats

§  Recent report detailing crime stats in Rockland (Oct 22-Dec 1) shows an alarming increase in crime

·       JS will review the issue with police liaison for Rockland

o   Committee Reports

§  Land Use

·       750 Pemberton

o   Neighbours should become informed as to process in the event a redevelopment proposal is put forward

§  Neighbours may request Planning/Zoning 101 primer specific to 750 Pemberton

·       1745 Rockland

o   Final Council vote is 12/10

o   JS will speak for Rockland

·       AGGV

o   Final Council vote is 12/10

o   Issues are noise and parking

o   RNA may ask for a “good neighbour policy”

§  Communication, Traffic, Social

·       No reports

§  Membership

·       New membership form developed by IM has been ratified and will be put on the web site

·       IM will develop a short piece to accompany the form and will ask Don Hamilton to send out to ListServ

·       As completed forms are received, committee chairs will contact people interested in their areas

§  Welcoming

·       Two visits done

·       Many visits on the docket for January

§  Garden

·       Committee met; action plan for the coming year was developed

§  Environment

·       No new activity


·       Meeting was adjourned at 20:51 (DC/VD))


·       Next meeting-January 13, 2016 @ 1401A Rockland

·       AGM-February 10, 2016 @ Grace Lutheran Church