Fighting Graffiti
Are you mad as heck about graffiti in your neighbourhood? On YOUR block?
You can do something about it. It’s your neighbourhood. The City of Victoria’s Together Against Graffiti (VTAG) program was created for this purpose. As a team member for your area, you too will have the satisfaction and sense of accomplishment when you help stamp out graffiti. Like others in the past (thank you!), you will be supplied with a “paint kit”. It includes a brush, gloves, and the paint you need. Your focus can be wooden utility poles and the sheathing at the foot of these poles, mailboxes, yellow anchor cable sheaths, and utility boxes.
We have the tools and the support. We will work together until it’s all gone. And we will remove new tags if they appear.
If you’re fed up with it – then you’re qualified! The kits are light weight and the task is a pleasant way to spend a part of your day. A small amount of time using the guidance and tools of VTAG can give you and your neighbours several things:
- A terrific sense of accomplishment.
- A neighbourhood that show it cares.
- The satisfaction that you are a part of this.
- The good feeling you get knowing you are beating these vandals at their game.
Own your block(s)!
Bill Birney is the contact for your kit and to get started volunteering.